Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Technology: Wii's

Over the winter break I got a Wii. The technology for a Wii is extraordinary. With a remote you can control everything feeling your way around the screen. Even my parents love it! One of the best consoles I have played with. Some great websites for learning about a Wii are: The Official Wii Website, Great Wii Info, and the Wikipedia Description of a Wii. I think you should visit these sites if you want good info on Wii’s! Wii's are great for exersise and you get a heavy workout from playing it. Some games are low key, but some get you moving and working out. I played for a long time and i got so tired!

1 comment:

simone said...

My friends have a Wii, and we play everytime we go to their house. It rocks playing on this brand new technology. My brother and I are hoping to get one soon, too.