I've started IT again, now with Mr. Jones.
1.How can we use the Internet to communicate and problem-solve global issues and the environment that are affecting our world today to a wider audience? The
Internet is the playground of a new generation, and what better place is there to teach the next generation about the problems that will one day, cripple their life? Creating awareness by the World Wide Web is the start of a global
campaign that can really appeal to any group of people. No matter the race or nationality, they can all unite on the web for a cause. So we can use websites and blogs to try and entice the next generation, and every one after that, that they can make a difference, and they should.
2. How can I make use of established Internet tools to support online publication and what are the best to use? To make a website you probably have to use a template hosted by a bigger website. It may be yours to customize but in the end, that website still owns it. Things like Piczo, MySpace, Blogger, Wikispaces, and Facebook all host many small pages belonging to different users, but since they are still a part of the host, they have things like " it-blog.wikispaces.com". That page is a part of wikispaces, as you can see in the address. These tools are readily available for everyone to use, and you can publish what you want to. These tools are very important for people who want to get a message out, and are popular for regular use.
3. How can the Internet be used to help a community solve a environmental issue? By getting out the message, people can comment on posts and voice their opinions. Online discussions are going on all the time where people can commerce and listen to each other. Websites and pictures are always being put out to show some of the environmental problems we are facing.
Some websites/blogs that are spreading the message: