Wednesday, December 12, 2007

im so bored, here's a random pic! By the way, I LOVE otters! (i love all animals!)

Please comment on my blogs about my pics or if you found the websites i provided useful. I really appreciate comments and ideas. They stretch my mind into finding amazing discoveries! LOL! And finally i would like to say, i do not like copy cats and would HATE for anybody to copy my ideas. This goes mainly to my classmates not the public. Thank you...

oops! forgot the pic! heres the pic made for the blog post below...
I learned that Web 2.0 may be though of as old in a few years and internet is ever changing. Did you know that there is over 8 billion pages bookmarked on Google?!? Remember one thing, not every page is bookmarked on Google, meaning that there must be over 10 million pages! Thats alot of internet!

Hey people! Hows it going? From now on i will get you a cute picture for everytime i post. Come to see the adorable animals! I will keep you posted with my blog reports on IT. I hope you come back time and again to see my new posts!

Hey. I have been learning new things! I think this video is one of the best overall video. It helps me with everything about web 2.0! If you want to watch it too, go to Understanding Web 2.0. I hope it helps you too!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My First Post

my grade 6 IT wiki page!

We are learning about web 2.0. I know what blogging, rss, pod casting, and wikis are. Web 2.0 is revolutionary and i hope to learn more about it. Go to some of the cool websites i have linked to about web 2.0: Some Videos about Web 2.0, Some Info from the Experts, and Wikipedia's Info about web 2.0. I hope these websites help.
Web 2.0 is the internet of the 21st century!